Relocation services

We as a rental agent every day in contact with foreign visitors and residents of Delft. There are many organizations involved in the welfare of this group, a number of services and organizations below.


They are our relocation partner owned by Renate Hendriks which has years of experience in this field. She can find you a home, help with immigration, getting a BSN number, take care of moving, registration with the city etc...

Excellent service for your employees !


The International School of Technology (ISD)

The International School of Technology (ISD) is a unique international learning environment for children of various nationalities, cultures and backgrounds. Our school is a place where students can meet and feel connected during 'inspiring learning for bright futures. 

Children of all nationalities, religions, cultures and backgrounds are welcome to our school:

children of foreign parents who live in the Netherlands or works;children of Dutch parents who have lived abroad and have received education there;children of Dutch parents who have a view of a long stay abroad.

Delft our beautifull city, view some movies about Delft:


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