You want to sell your house?

When selling your home we take care of everything. We want to achieve the best possible outcome, but we are also there to prevent unexpected developments after the sale. For example because a buyer is relying on inaccurate disclosures or legal violations committed there.

We discuss with you how we go through the sales process. The contract is in writing so that both parties always know where they stand. We take you a questionnaire and list of movable property, so that you meet your obligation to inform the buyer.

We take eleborate time with you and potential buyers to answer all questions. We believe in a peaceful tour of the house with potential buyers and thus book plenty of time for visists. After viewing we leave a message on our client intranet, for you, so you know if the visitors are intereested in your house and how the tour went. We take the regular state of affairs and implement the sales strategy as needed: open house, advertising, and calling candidates after price adjustments. Ultimately this results in a faster sale and a higher selling price.

We have a large number of listings and are a top 3 player in the market Delft. In total we have a between 250 and 300 listings including rentals and business properties being the number 1 real estate agent in Delft ! Because of our large selection, we are in constant contact with home seekers and they are quicker to scheduling an appointment through us because they can see several houses at once. We build a good relationship with our many home seekers as they come.

A good relationship is the beginning of a good sale. For more information about our capabilities and conditions, you can always feel free to contact us.

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Het contact verliep goed, na elke bezichtiging verslag. Huis uiteindelijk boven de vraagprijs verkocht. Björnd is al sinds 2003 onze "huismakelaar". Al 5 keer een opdracht verstrekt, 3 x verkoop en 2 x aankoop. Altijd met goed resultaat.

Een funda gebruiker

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How do we work?

With selling your house successfully

How to start the sale of your home

We make an appointment for an interview and we confirm your appointment by email or post.After a free of cost visit by one of our agents you will receive access to the current housing market expected sale price, a advice an the asking price, explanation on the way we work, our services and rates.

We will send you a written quotation by email or post so matters recorded acurately.

Client Intranet

We give you 24 hours a day access to your file:

  • All planned visit + feeback following tour
  • Photos and text presentation
  • visitor statistics
  • Costs overview Bids + conditions
  • Reaction ability
  • Contact information

Internet & Marketing

We list your property with all mayor websites and all other brokers. Great potential for home seekers: your house will be listed on about 15 Iinternet sites:


This gives you the right audience at once. If a property is of interest to a client from ours with a purchase order running through our office, then there are no costs associated with the sale.

Social Media strategy

We will list your property in the NVM system and on facebook. This way we reach the best buyers first !

Once your property is registered in our system you will receive an email with a link towards You can follow this link, and use all channels of social media at one time, to sell your house via your own social media channels. You get a professional presentations delivered and can distribute this via email, Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in, so your network and surrounding networks can be reached quickly.

You can also synchronize a video of your property on youtube!

Display Windows

We display a presentation of your home on large electronic screens, a paper presentation in our big picture window corner, corner Oude Delft / Binnenwatersloot, in the center with thousands of people passing weekly. In addition, our offers appear on screens at the head office of the Rabobank in Delft.

Because our office is situated at a prime location on the canal, you can reach a wide and diverse audience.

Profesional photo's

We work together with brickmedia a very profesional and friendly media partner. They photoshop in bleu skies and perform styling on the go. Watch the dutch video from Roger the founder of brickmedia.

The best sales brochures

We make a comprehensive sales brochure of your home with professional photographs of top quality, description, dimensions, details, if any maps, aerial photographs, cadastral map and list of other relevant information. The brochure goes to all potentially interested buyers who have been registered and who are interested in your home. A functional hint for potential buyers.

The brochures are also posted in PDF on and

2D / 3D map

For potential buyers, it is important that they can "live" in a home as well as possible. Therefore, we offer the opportunity to make a professional map of the property. This map will be used in the sales brochure, our own website and on Funda. In addition, the property can be viewed at Funda in 3D, and interested people can arrange and refurbish the property.

On Sale sign

Our Sale ? signs are particularly striking: round, orange, bright, challenging and stand out seen throughout the region. We have access to round yard signs with wooden poles, larger versions, billboards, illuminated signs, aluminum frames, etc. We work with professional advertising agency, so anything is possible.

Open House route

Every 2 weeks we organize our own open house routes with about 30 to 80 homes will hold open house. The action will be supported by means of Newspaper advertisements in the NVM brokers and / or Delft on Sunday, extra publicity through articles, advertisements in a special newspaper and posters.

2 times per year , the NVM is organizing a nationwide open house route action involving all NVM , in cooperation with the local paper " Delft on Sunday" The action will be supported with triangular signs , advertisements in a special newspaper and posters.

The nationwide open house route always takes place on a Saturday between 11:00 and 15:00 and possibly the Thursday night before between 19:00 and 21:00.

Structural engineering inspection

According to the New Civil Code, a seller has to inform the buyer as fully as possible. We have older and poorly maintained homes structurally inspected by an independent structural engineer. In the constructional test report the good and bad points of your property will be displayed and a cost indication for the restore costs is mentioned. Thus, a buyer never afterwards can say that he or she was not aware of a defect.


We confer with you the times of the visits. We always call well in advance of the scheduled appointments. You can always change If it does not fit your shedule, we move the appointment in consultation with the candidate.We guide those interested in the house around your home here and take plenty of time. During visits we give a clear explanation. We consider it our duty to the prospective purchaser to indicate all matters, including any defects. After the tour we give feedback on our intranet.


If someone makes an offer, we will contact you in order to discuss your options. In addition we will give you advice on how best to respond to this offer.

If someone offers under certain conditions, such as financing, we then inquire about the feasibility of this as much as possible to exclude that after some weeks the sale is dissolved and the sales process must begin again from the beginning.


Once an agreement has been reached on price, delivery and conditions, then everything has been agreed verbally and will be documented in the a purchase agreement. We will ensure preparation of the purchase agreement and signing by both parties.

We take care of the administrative settlement and control of the notary deed and the memorandum of settlement.

On the day of transfer, we again jointly inspect by the house to see if the property is delivered as agreed. Then we go to the notary for the signing of the deeds and key transfer.


Even after the transfer of the property you can still contact us with any questions and / or convenient addresses. We also help with any complaints or problems should they arise.






We also work together with an interior styliste who will get your home ready for sale!


Selling a house?

Make an appointment with Björnd

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