
Our valuable partners


Zeelenberg Construction

The company was founded more than 100 years ago and thus has a wealth of experience. Especially in the historic center and its historic buildings, this company is a good partner. They themselves are located on the canal in the heart of Delft.

Our experiences have been excellent and many customers use the services of Zeelenberg. They also perform many maintenance operations for properties that we manage on behalf of clients.

Features: Tight approach, extensive and accurate quotes, no surprises afterwards, fixed contacts, a wealth of experience and a word is word.

van Bemmelen, bouw & verbouw

Okke van bemmelen is the motor in this company which performs all kinds of re-build and maintenance jobs for us and our clients. His personal approach and years of experience get the job done. He's not an a-typical builder-type with his good mood, generous smile and normal build. Creative job's are speciality and perferred.




Thomas Kok your contractor

This young and fresh contractor performs for us all kinds of jobs and rebuilds.His personal approach and extensive network enable our customers to be more than satisfied.

Thomas also has years of experience with the construction of (open) fireplaces. Correct bids at normal prices combined with a practical outlook make him an excellent partner

Loodgieters- en installatiebedrijf W.A. Kuijpers B.V.

W.A. Kuijpers is a plumbing and installation company that is versatile in the field of gas, water, sewage, and CV plants, lead and zinc works and bituminous roofing. The Delft-based company founded in 1935 and works primarily for individuals, businesses and institutions, housing and energy companies in Delft and surroundings.

Gas Water Loodgieters Bedrijf C.P. van Hattem

The specialist for all your work, zinc, water and gas. The blue buses of Ben can be found allround Delft. He is often in the gutter in places where others dare not to come. He's the zinc-king of Delft.


For 85 years Reno has fitted electrical installations in the Delft region.From light switches and sockets, total home and business installations, telephone, etc.: from a simple installation to a life-resistant house. Reno has extensive experience in supplying, installing and maintaining high quality burglar and fire alarm systems. Reno gives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week reliable service. You can reach this 24 hour service at 06-51380273.

Meijer & van Eerden Bouwkundig adviesbureau

Commercial buildings, houses, apartments, etc. must comply with technical and architectural requirements. Because these laws and regulations are complex and change frequently, in different situations we provide the needed the expertise and professionalism of our engineering consultants. Both business clients including estate agents, contractors, housing associations, homeowners' associations and architectural firms and individuals use our expertise.

Structural inspections we carry out, among others under the terms of the NHG. But we make long-term maintenance plans and engineering reports, we perform building inspections and deliveries to construction projects, and we do it for recordings and claims. Appointments at short notice, speed of working out, direct and open communication are arguments why our clients appreciate us.

Bouw Advies Van der Steuijt

Mr Van der Steuijt is an independent inspector, who purchase the desired property on reliable and robust manner checked for technical defects. Not only do you know after that control exactly what remains to be done to the property - you can then make a better estimate of the costs to be incurred. This way you can make a sound decision whether or not to proceed with the purchase.

Construction Consulting Van der Steuijt hires for a complete check-up of a building, you can expect the house to the basement is viewed to the rafters. You can think of checking the walls and floors. For example, the floor is wood, we look closely at the ventilation, any crawl space, the presence of fungus and / or rot.

De monumenten specialist : Erfgoedhuis Zuid Holland & de Monumentenwacht

Heritage House South Holland is the oganisatie organizing everything around monuments in the province of South Holland. You can contact them facing any questions regarding monuments.

The Monument Guard Heritage House is an independent service advisor who helps building owners and managers with the conservation of monuments and historic buildings. On an annual basis Monumentenwacht performs in some 1,200 inspections to monumental buildings ranging from houses to churches.


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