You want to invest in property?

Why would you invest in realstate ?

Investing in real estate is done not because you have too much money, but to make more of your money. You obviously do not want to give your money away and investing with more certainty is relaxing. Investing in real estate can achieve a return that comes close or higher to the yield of that an investment in shares will achieve, while reducing risks.

When investing in real estate, you are generally less affected by cyclical economic paterns then investing in stocks or bonds. Leases are also protected against inflation because they are indexed.

There are a number of ways of investing in property, which every investor can use.

  • based on the increase in the value of your property
  • based on the monthly rental income 
  • based on the future value of the site
  • based on development potential of the site

Overall, investing in real estate is a mix of different ways & insights.

An example: You buy an old student home and it can redesigned in to 2 apartments over 10 years or the value of your object/investement has been enhanced if for instance a railway line in front of it has goen underground.

You see there are several factors that play a role. The best part of a real estate investment is that it is a tangible object. You know where it stands and know your tenants because you have selected them your self. In short, you have yourself a great influence on your investment.

The tax authorities

The private investors are also facilitated by the introduction of the taxsystem boxes.

You can buy a property as a private individual or your company. If you buy property private the rent is not taxed. You pay tax of course but you will pay 1.2% on the value of your property minus the mortgage/debt.

The tax authorities on Box 3:

You will always yield 4% which is taxed 30% (tax) this comes to a charge of 1.2% tax on your assets minus the taxfree threshold.

If you are buying as a company the rent is income in this business and you are always taxed income to private if you wish to retrieve from your company: Dividend and incometax

If you buy a property and you want it to involve your own business, you must take into account the position at the disposal system (TBS). The rental income is still taxed progressively according to income tax.

Why that is and what the best solution is for your investment that we would like to explain in a personal conversation.

How can we help?

As the largest rental agency in Delft on both private and business perspective, we have total understanding of the potential returns on investment property. The rental income is almost always the most important aspect that you encounter if you may or may not wish to invest in a particular property.

We know the investment market like no other and for all levels: large monumental buildings, small apartments, property which can be divide into apartments or studios, office buildings, apartments above shops, etc.

With our contacts we can connect and link objects to your needs and budget.

We guide you in the purchase, estimate the potential value and rent, provide contractors, architects and in association with our contacts provide any necessary permits. We provide just what it takes, every project and every customer requires a different approach and coöperation.

We provide rental services and of course the property management of your investments and work with you to build your portfolio and future.


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