Plein Delftzicht

A young neighborhood with intermediate older buildings especially along the Rhine-shooters channel leading to Delfshaven. Tight family homes and modern apartments and later a new connection to Delft where the track goes underground.

Bacinol 2 a beautiful old bedrijfsverzamenlgebouw containing grandcafé Haszar is a lovely terrace and the water.Previously Braat was established here best known for the steel frames that were made here.

The Delft View district consists of the following streets:

  • De Groene Haven
  • Crommelinlaan
  • Laan van Van der Gaag
  • Conradlaan
  • Hillenlaan
  • Abtwoudseweg
  • Plein Delftzicht
  • Crommelinplein
  • Hooikade en Zuideinde
  • Drukkerijlaan
  • Laan van Braat
  • Engelsestraat

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